Alternatively, a cycle can begin in a separate output criterion of an activity and end in a separate input criterion of this or another activity. 另外,循环也可以从活动的单独输出条件开始,并在该活动或其他活动的单独输入条件中结束。
New Low Cycle Fatigue Life Criterion under Nonproportional Loading Based on Critical Plane Methods 新的非比例加载低周疲劳寿命估算方法
Then various concentrations of polysaccharides were applied to different steps of virus replication cycle. Cytopathic effect ( CPE), methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium ( MTT) method and real time quantitative PCR were used as evaluation criterion. 选择不同剂量的刺参粘多糖作用于病毒增殖周期的多个环节,通过观察细胞病变(CPE)、MTT法检测病毒感染后活细胞存量、实时定量PCR检测HSV-1DNA作为评价指标;
The system is considered as a multi-stage decision process, the cycle efficiency is its criterion function, the quantities of the abstracted steam are control variables and the feedwater temperatures are state variables. 将给水回热系统视为一多级决策过程,循环效率为其目标函数,抽汽量为控制变量,而给水温度则为状态变量。
This paper discusses the multi-objective and unified scale evaluation criterion that can synthetically evaluate the thermal, economical and environmental performance of Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle ( IGCC) system. The Comprehensive Performance Index ( CPI) is put forward as a new criterion. 本文探讨能够综合评估IGCC系统热力、经济和环保性能的统一量化多目标评价准则,提出采用综合性能指标(CPI)作为评价准则来评估IGCC系统的综合性能。
Finally, the Reliability Life Cycle Cost ( RLCC) of UPS system was defined and calculated. It is a criterion to find the most optimum reliability-economy solution. 最终提出了UPS系统可靠性寿命周期费用RLCC(ReliabilityLifeCycleCost),作为确定综合可靠性与经济性最优方案的依据。
According to vehicle driving requirements, an elementary draft of drive cycle is designed reference to the test criterion of the internal combustion engine. And it is applied to test fuel cell engines. 根据车辆运行要求,借鉴内燃发动机测试规范,初步设计了一种车用燃料电池发动机的试验工况,并对车用燃料电池发动机进行了测试。
The ideas such as digital phase-locked integration, program-mable PID control and variable cycle speed stabilizing criterion etc, are proposed and applied to the design of the control of rotating platform system. 提出数字锁相积分、可编程PID控制及变周期稳速判据等概念,并应用于转台控制器设计。
The analytic expressions of the simple recuperative cycle efficiency and the optimum pressure ratio based on the new criterion are derived on the general simplified, assumptions. Some typical calculation results are presented also. 为此,在一些传统简化假定条件下,本文给出了基于新的分析准则的回热循环效率与最佳压比的解析表达式,以及一些典型计算结果曲线。
CCMF bank utilizing multi cycle frequencies is therefore studied and an optimum structure for the CCMF bank is developed, also based on the max output SNR criterion. 为此,研究了多循环频率循环相关匹配滤波器组的设计方法,在最大输出信噪比准则约束下确定了滤波器组的优化结构。
Universal slope method using data obtained from the calculated equation are more practical and reliable, the method can be used to predict low cycle fatigue properties of two alloys as an effective criterion. 采用通用斜率法得到的数据方程较实际计算得到的方程更可靠,可作为预测两种合金材料低周疲劳性能的有效判据。
It is a suitable health monitoring program of truck mounted concrete pump boom to monitor low cycle stress of boom and regard fatigue accumulating damage as health evaluation criterion. 同时表明监测臂架低周应力,将疲劳累积损伤作为健康评价参数是一种适合泵车臂架结构健康监测的路线。
At the same time, through statistical methods, continuous damage theory and Lemaitre strain equivalence hypothesis, damages constitutive model of rock in saturated-dry cycle was established based on Mohr-Coulomb strength criterion and the hooker law. 同时,利用统计方法、连续损伤理论和Lemaitre应变等效假说,基于Mohr-Coulomb强度准则和胡克定律,建立了饱和风干循环过程下的岩石损伤统计本构模型。